Promotional materials

Use the promotional materials of the affiliate on your website to declare the quality of the IT services provided. Choose any informer you like, download it and install it on your web resource. This is an easy way to attract the attention of potential customers and strengthen the trust of users in your company, which you can use right now.

Partner signs

Round sign

Size 110 x 110 pixels

Rectangular large sign

Size 200 x 70 pixels

Rectangular middle sign

Size 142 x 50 pixels

Rectangular small sign

Size 100 x 35 pixels

Become a partner

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What are promotional materials for affiliates?

    Promotional materials for affiliates are marketing collateral and resources provided by the company to help partners promote and sell their virtual private server (VPS) services.

  • How can I access promotional materials for affiliates?

    All available promotional materials of the company are presented above on this page. You can download any sign or logo you like freely available.

  • Can I customize the promotional materials provided by affiliates?

    No, our company's promotional materials are personalized with a corporate identity.

    Please use the elements of corporate identity in accordance with the recommendations.

  • How is the placement of promotional materials useful?

    By adding different solutions and services to your product line, you give the user a choice and reduce the risk of the user leaving your site. But it is important that the user has not just a choice and a variety of services, but also a qualitative understanding of exactly how a particular tool can help him. The materials prepared by us will help to acquaint your client with our solution, which will increase his loyalty to your service.